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Yang & Burckhardt & Fang (2013)

Yang M. M., Burckhardt D. & Fang S. J. 2013 - Psylloidea of Taiwan. Volume II. Family Triozidae. 2: 160 pp. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung (Taiwan).
Original available names
Trioza parabeilschmiediae Yang, Burckhardt & Fang, 2013
Cryptotrioza Lahiri & Biswas, 1979 synonym of Stenopsylla Kuwayama, 1910
Dasymastix Enderlein, 1921 synonym of Stenopsylla Kuwayama, 1910
Eustenopsylla Yang, 1984 synonym of Stenopsylla Kuwayama, 1910
Homotrioza Yang, 1984 synonym of Cecidotrioza Kieffer, 1908
Indotrioza Kandasamy, 1986 synonym of Parastenopsylla Yang, 1984
Metatriozidus Li, 2011 synonym of Trioza Foerster, 1848
Neorhinopsylla Drohojowska, 2006 synonym of Trisetitrioza Li, 1995
Triozopsis Li, 2005 synonym of Trioza Foerster, 1848
Stenopsylla mathuri (Lahiri & Biswas, 1979) new combination of Cryptotrioza mathuri Lahiri & Biswas, 1979
Stenopsylla gigantea (Crawford, 1912) new combination of Dasymastix gigantea (Crawford, 1912)
Stenopsylla euryae (Yang, 1984) new combination of Eustenopsylla euryae Yang, 1984
Cecidotrioza ailaoshanensis (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza ailaoshanensis Li, 2011
Trioza beilschmiediae (Yang, 1984) new combination of Homotrioza beilschmiediae Yang, 1984
Cecidotrioza epica (Yang, 1984) new combination of Homotrioza epica Yang, 1984
Cecidotrioza kuwayamai (Yang, 1984) new combination of Homotrioza kuwayamai Yang, 1984
Cecidotrioza longigena (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza longigena Li, 2011
Cecidotrioza oxyptera (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza oxyptera Li, 2011
Cecidotrioza proximitermina (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza proximitermina Li, 2011
Cecidotrioza spilopurpurata (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza spilopurpurata Li, 2011
Cecidotrioza zhongnanana (Li, 2011) new combination of Homotrioza zhongnanana Li, 2011
Parastenopsylla hirsuta (Kandasamy, 1986) new combination of Indotrioza hirsuta Kandasamy, 1986
Baeoalitriozus bryani (Crawford, 1928) new combination of Megatrioza bryani Crawford, 1928
Baeoalitriozus concavus (Tuthill, 1943) new combination of Megatrioza concava Tuthill, 1943
Baeoalitriozus swezeyi (Crawford, 1927) new combination of Megatrioza swezeyi Crawford, 1927
Trisetitrioza ailaoshanana (Li, 2011) new combination of Neorhinopsylla ailaoshanana Li, 2011
Trisetitrioza beijingana (Li, 2011) new combination of Neorhinopsylla beijingana Li, 2011
Trisetitrioza changbaishanana (Li, 2011) new combination of Neorhinopsylla changbaishanana Li, 2011
Neotrioza machilae (Li, 1993) new combination of Neorhinopsylla machilae (Li, 1993)
Neotrioza shuiliensis (Yang, 1984) new combination of Neorhinopsylla shuiliensis (Yang, 1984)
Trisetitrioza spatulata (Li, 1993) new combination of Neorhinopsylla spatulata (Li, 1993)
Trisetitrioza stylata (Crawford, 1912) new combination of Neorhinopsylla stylata (Crawford, 1912)
Trisetitrioza taibaishanana (Li, 2011) new combination of Neorhinopsylla taibaishanana Li, 2011
Trisetitrioza takahashii (Boselli, 1930) new combination of Neorhinopsylla takahashii (Boselli, 1930)
Trisetitrioza undalata (Li, 2011) new combination of Neorhinopsylla undalata Li, 2011
Baeoalitriozus afrobsoletus (Hollis, 1984) new combination of Trioza afrobsoleta Hollis, 1984
Baeoalitriozus afrosersalisia (Hollis, 1984) new combination of Trioza afrosersalisia Hollis, 1984
Baeoalitriozus asiaticus (Crawford, 1915) new combination of Trioza asiatica Crawford, 1915
Baeoalitriozus boxi (Hollis, 1984) new combination of Trioza boxi Hollis, 1984
Baeoalitriozus catillus (Tuthill, 1964) new combination of Trioza catillus Tuthill, 1964
Baeoalitriozus diospyri (Ashmead, 1881) new combination of Trioza diospyri (Ashmead, 1881)
Baeoalitriozus fulgidiceps (Tuthill, 1964) new combination of Trioza fulgidiceps Tuthill, 1964
Baeoalitriozus gonjae (Hollis, 1984) new combination of Trioza gonjae Hollis, 1984
Baeoalitriozus magnicauda (Crawford, 1919) new combination of Trioza magnicauda (Crawford, 1919)
Baeoalitriozus mimusops (Hollis, 1984) new combination of Trioza mimusops Hollis, 1984
Baeoalitriozus obsoletus (Buckton, 1900) new combination of Trioza obsoleta (Buckton, 1900)
Baeoalitriozus praelongus (Tuthill, 1964) new combination of Trioza praelonga Tuthill, 1964
Cecidotrioza ignota (Fang & Yang, 1986) new combination of Triozopsis ignotus (Fang & Yang, 1986)
Trioza sozanica (Boselli, 1930) new combination of Triozopsis sozanica (Boselli, 1930)
Cecidotrioza tzuensis (Yang, 1984) new combination of Triozopsis tzuensis (Yang, 1984)
Wrong spelling correction
Trioza neolitsae Miyatake, 1965 wrong spelling of Trioza neolitseae Miyatake, 1965
Wrong spelling
Metatriozoidus Li, 2011 wrong spelling of Metatriozidus Li, 2011
Metatriozoidus beilschmiediae (Yang, 1984) wrong spelling of Metatriozidus beilschmiediae (Yang, 1984)