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Perinetella nigroflava Synave, 1956
  type species by original designation and monotypy

Basionym original publication
Synave H. 1956 - Les Flatidae de Madagascar (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Mémoires de l'Institut des Sciences de Madagascar. (Ser. E) 7: 197-217.
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Geographical distribution
Madagascar  according to  Synave (1956), Swierczewski & Stroinski (2015): 543
3 Type specimen(s)
Lectotype ♂ of Perinetella nigroflava Synave, 1956 deposited in [MNHN] Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris according to Swierczewski & Stroinski (2015): 543
2 Lectotypes ♂ of Perinetella nigroflava Synave, 1956 deposited in [RBINS] [IRSNB] Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels according to Swierczewski & Stroinski (2015): 543