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Distribution map: extant taxa
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Geographical distribution
Seychelles  according to  Distant (1917), Holzinger et al. (2008): 121 , Löcker et al. (2009)
Biological interactions
Deckenia nobilis H. Wendl. ex Seem. (Arecales, Arecaceae) according to Löcker et al. (2009)
Nephrosperma van-houtteanum (H. Wendl. ex Van Houtte) Balf. f. (Arecales, Arecaceae) according to Löcker et al. (2009)
Roscheria melanochaetes (H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. ex Balf. f. (Arecales, Arecaceae) according to Löcker et al. (2009)
Verschaffeltia splendida H. Wendl. (Arecales, Arecaceae) according to Löcker et al. (2009)
2 Type specimen(s)
Lectotype ♂ of Aquaelicium elegantulum Distant, 1917 deposited in [NHM, BMNH] Natural History Museum, London according to Löcker et al. (2009): 7
Paralectotype ♂ of Aquaelicium elegantulum Distant, 1917 deposited in [NHM, BMNH] Natural History Museum, London according to Löcker et al. (2009): 2