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- Medler J. T. 1985 - of Flatidae (Homoptera) 3. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Budapest Museum. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 46(2): 111-116.
- Medler J. T. 1985 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 2. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Genova Museum. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 85(1984-1985): 299-306.
- Medler J. T. 1985 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 6. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the M.N.H.N., Paris. Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 7(4): 163-168.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - Anzora and Dworena, two new genera erected for Australian species formerly placed in Paratella and Sephena. (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Insecta Mundi 1(4): 206-208.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - The types of Flatidae (Homoptera) in the Stockholm Museum described by Stal, Melichar, Jacobi and Walker. Entomologica Scandinavica 17(3): 323-337.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - Types of Flatidae. 1. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Reichenbachia 23(2): 107-113.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - Types of Flatidae 7, lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Zoological Museum of the Humboldt University, Berlin.(Homoptera). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 32(1-2): 46-53.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera). 5. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Brussels Museum. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 56: 35-40.
- Medler J. T. 1986 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 8. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Museum of Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 27(2): 207-211.
- Medler J. T. 1988 - Flatidae from the Tai Forest, Cote d'Ivoire, and taxonomic notes on the family in west Africa (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea). Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 10(2): 117-148.
- Medler J. T. 1988 - Revisional notes on classification of the tribe Flatini (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Flatidae). In: Vidano C. & Arzone A. 1988 - 6th Auchenorrhyncha meeting. Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987, CNR-IPRA, Torino (Italy). p. 59-63.
- Medler J. T. 1988 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera). 9. Lectotype designations, and three New genera for species in the Basel Museum. Entomologica Basiliensia 2: 83-91.
- Medler J. T. 1988 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) XII. Taxonomic notes on Guérin-Méneville types in the Naples Museum, with illustrations of male genitalia of plesiotypes for the respective species. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agrar. Filippo Silvestri 43: 11-20.
- Medler J. T. 1989 - New Guinea Flatidae (Homoptera): species collected on economic and other plants, with descriptions of New species. Bishop Museum Bulletins in Entomology 2: 1-79.
- Medler J. T. 1990 - Review of Jamella Kirkaldy and Malleja, gen. nov. in Australia and New Guinea, with descriptions of New species (Homoptera: Flatidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 3(7): 995-1004.
- Medler J. T. 1990 - Sosephena and Trisephena, two New genera from New Guinea with tricarinate frons (Homoptera: Flatidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 30: 204-218.
- Medler J. T. 1990 - Types of Flatidae 13, lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on African species in the Zoological Museum of the Humboldt-University Berlin (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin 37(1-3): 105-118.
- Medler J. T. 1990 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) XIV. Walker and Distant types in the British Museum. Oriental Insects 24: 127-195.
- Medler J. T. 1991 - Flatidae of Sulawesi, with notes on some related Philippine and Indomalayan species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Oriental Insects 25: 1-43.
- Medler J. T. 1991 - Review of Paratella Melichar and Taparella Medler in New Guinea, with descriptions of New species (Homoptera: Flatidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 31: 106-121.
- Medler J. T. 1992 - Revision of the tribe Phyllyphantini in the Oriental region, with descriptions of New genera and New species (Homoptera: Flatidae). Oriental Insects 26: 1-38.
- Medler J. T. 1992 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera). 16. A review of species in the Hamburg Museum with lectotype designations (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg 1992: 177-186.
- Medler J. T. 1993 - Types of Flatidae. 15. A review of types in the Musee royal del'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Journal of African Zoology 107(1): 19-37.
- Medler J. T. 1993 - Types of Flatidae. 20. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the MNHN Paris. Part 2. (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Revue Française d'Entomologie. Paris 15(2): 49-60.
- Medler J. T. 1993 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 19. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Budapest Museum, part 2. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Budapest 85: 37-45.
- Medler J. T. 1993 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 28. Lectotype designations for Fowler and Melichar type specimens in the Museum of Natura History in Vienna, with 2 New genera and a New species. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie 94-95: 433-450.
- Medler J. T. 1994 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) 21. Review of Melichar types in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, with lectotype designations. Steenstrupia 20(4): 97-100.
- Medler J. T. 1994 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) in the Stockholm Museum with lectotype designations. Part 2. Entomologica Scandinavica 25(2): 215-225.
- Medler J. T. 1996 - Flatidae of Borneo, with descriptions of new genera and species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Oriental Insects 30: 11-96.
- Medler J. T. 1996 - Types of Flatidae 22. E. Schmidt types in the Warsaw Museum and other museums (Homoptera: Flatidae). Bulletin of the Museum and Institute of Zoology 1996: 135-151.
- Medler J. T. 1996 - Types of Flatidae XXII. E. Schmidt types in the Warsaw Museum and other Museums. Bulletin of the Museum and Institute of Zoology 1: 135-151.
- Medler J. T. 1999 - Flatidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) of Indonesia, exclusive of Irian Jaya. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) 324: 1-88.
- Medler J. T. 2000 - Flatidae of New Guinea and adjacent areas (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Bishop Museum Bulletins in Entomology 8: 1-117.
- Medler J. T. 2001 - Review of Flatidae in Southern Africa, with keys and descriptions of new species (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Contributions on Entomology, International 4(4): 323-380.
- Medler J. T. 2003 - Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) XXIII. Lectotype designations and taxonomic notes on Melichar species in the Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech republic. Oriental Insects 37: 343-357.
- Medler J. T. 2003 - Types of Flatidae. XXIV. Type designations and taxonomic notes on species in the Natural History Museum of Geneva (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea). Revue Suisse de Zoologie. Annales de la Société Zoologique Suisse et du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Genève 110(3): 591-597.
- Medler J. T. 2006 - A review of the Sri Lankan Flatidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Oriental Insects 40: 231-265.
- Melichar L. 1896 - Cicadinen (Hemiptera-Homoptera) von Mittel-Europa. 1896: 364 pp.
- Melichar L. 1897 - Einige neue Homopteren-Arten und Varietäten aus Dalmatien und dem Küstenlande. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 16: 67-72.
- Melichar L. 1898 - Monographie der Ricaniiden (Homoptera). Annalen des k.k Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Wien 13: 197-359.
- Melichar L. 1898 - Vorläufige Beschreibnungen neuer Ricaniiden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 48: 384-400.
- Melichar L. 1899 - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Homopteren-Fauna von Tunis. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 18: 175-190.
- Melichar L. 1899 - Einige neue Homopteren aus der Ricaniiden-Gruppe. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 49: 289-294.
- Melichar L. 1901 - Eine neue Homopteren-Gattung und Art aus der Gruppe Delphacini. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 20: 55-56.
- Melichar L. 1901 - Monographie der Acanaloniiden und Flatiden (Homoptera). Annalen des k.k Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Wien 16: 178-258.
- Melichar L. 1902 - Homopteren aus West-China, Persien und dem Süd-Ussuri-Gebiete. Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Saint Petersburg 7: 76-146.
- Melichar L. 1902 - Monographie der Acanaloniiden und Flatiden (Homoptera) (Fortsetzung). Annalen des k.k Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Wien 17: 1-253.
- Melichar L. 1903 - Homopteren-Fauna von Ceylon. 1903: 248 pp.
- Melichar L. 1904 - Neue Homopteren aus Süd-Schoa, Galla und den Somal-Ländern. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 54: 25-48.
- Melichar L. 1905 - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Homopterenfauna Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 24(9 et 10): 279-304.
- Melichar L. 1905 - Genera tria Fulgoridarum mundi antiqui. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Budapest 3: 473-477.
- Melichar L. 1906 - Monographie der Issiden. (Homoptera). Abhandlungen der K. K. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 3: 1-327.
- Melichar L. 1907 - Bemerkungen zur Monographie der Issiden (Homoptera). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 26: 323-324.
- Melichar L. 1907 - Bericht über die mit Subvention der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommene entomologische Studienreise nach Spanien und Marokko. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Wien 116: 1025-1039.
- Melichar L. 1908 - Nové rody a druhy Homopter z vychodni Afriky. Casopis Ceské Spolecnosti Entomologické. Praha 5: 1-15.
- Melichar L. 1911 - Collections receuillies par M. M. de Rothschild dans l'Afrique Orientale. Homoptères. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 1911: 106-117.
- Melichar L. 1912 - Monographie der Dictyophorinen (Homoptera). Abhandlungen der K. K. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 7(1): 1-221.
- Melichar L. 1912 - Novum genus et nova species Delphacinarum. Casopis Ceské Spolecnosti Entomologické. Praha 9: 1-3.
- Melichar L. 1913 - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kaukasischen HomopterenFauna. Mitteilungen des Kaukasischen Museums. Tiflis 7: 319-333.
- Melichar L. 1913 - Cicadina. Faune du district de Walouyki du gouvernement de Woronège (Russie). Cracovie 7: 1-11.
- Melichar L. 1913 - Genus Kasserota Dist. (Fulgoridae) et affine genus novum hujus ordinis. Casopis Ceské Spolecnosti Entomologické. Praha 10: 151-159.
- Melichar L. 1913 - Zwi neue Hemisphaerius-Arten aus Formosa. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Budapest 11: 611-612.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Homopteren von Java, gesammelt von herrn Edw. Jacobson. Notes from the Leyden Museum. Leyden 36: 91-112.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Homopterorum nova genera et species novae Aethiopicae. Casopis Ceské Spolecnosti Entomologické. Praha 11: 1-8.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Monographie der Tropiduchinen (Homoptera). Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn. Brünn 53: 1-145.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Neue Fulgoriden von den Philippinen: I. Theil. Philippine Journal of Science. Manila 9: 269-283.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Neue Homopteren von den Philippinen. Philippine Journal of Science. Manila 9: 173-181.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Neue paläarktische Homopteren. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Wien 33: 259-260.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Africa-Expedition, 1910-1911, unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs. Homoptera. Deutsche Zentralafrika-Expedition (1910-1911) 1: 109-134.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der zweiten Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1910-1911 unter Führung Adolph Friedrichs, Herzog zu Mecklenburg. (1912) 1: 109-134.
- Melichar L. 1914 - Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der kaukasischen Homopterenfauna. Mitteilungen des Kaukasischen Museums. Tiflis 8: 127-137.
- Melichar L. 1915 - Monographie der Lophopinen. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Budapest 13: 337-385.
- Melichar L. 1915 - Monographie der Tropiduchinen (Homoptera) [reprint of Melichar, 1914]. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn. Brünn 53: 82-226.
- Melichar L. 1915 - Neue Fulgoriden von den Philippinen. II. Philippine Journal of Science. Manila (1914) 9: 433-439.
- Melichar L. 1915 - Neue Fulgoriden von den Philippinen: II. Philippine Journal of Science. Manila (1914) 9: 433-439.
- Melichar L. 1922 - Voyage Baron de Rothschild en Ethiopie et en Afrique Orientale Anglaise (1904-1905). 1922: 309
- Melichar L. 1923 - Homoptera; fam. Acanaloniidae, Flatidae et Ricaniidae. Genera Insectorum. Bruxelles 182: 1-185.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Qin Dao-Zheng & Liu Guo-Long 2009 - A new record species of the genus Tambinia Stal (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 31(1): 6-8.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Qin Dao-Zheng & Liu Guo-Long 2009 - A New Record Species of the Genus Tambinia Stål (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 31(1): 6-8.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Qin Dao-Zheng & Liu Guo-Long 2009 - A taxonomic study of the genus Tambinia Stål (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 31(4): 263-268.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Feng Ji-Nian & Qin Dao-Zheng 2010 - Description of one new species of the genus Varma (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) with a key to all the species. Entomologica Americana 116(3-4): 93-97.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Feng Ji-Nian & Qin Dao-Zheng 2010 - First record of a male adult of Epora hainanensis Chou & Wang (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae). Entomotaxonomia 32(4): 248-250.
- Men Qiu-Lei & Qin Dao-Zheng 2011 - Identification of macropterous individual of Cixiopsis punctatus (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) based on morphological and molecular data. Entomotaxonomia 33(3): 213-219.
- Men Qiu-Lei & Qin Dao-Zheng 2011 - Neotaxilanoides orientalis, a new genus and species of Tambiniini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) from China, with a key to the world genera. Zootaxa 3004: 33-39.
- Men Qiu-Lei, Feng Ji-Nian & Qin Dao-Zheng 2011 - The planthopper genus Epora Walker (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) from China with description of one new species. Zootaxa 2803: 32-40.
- Men Qiu-Lei & Qin Dao-Zheng 2012 - Revision of the planthopper genus Tambinia (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) from China, with description of a new species. Florida Entomologist 95(4): 1095-1110.
- Meng Rui, Che Yan-Li, Yan Jia-He & Wang Yin-Lun 2010 - Study of the Reproductive System of Sivaloka damnosus Chou et Lu (Hemiptera: Issidae). Entomotaxonomia 33(1): 12-22.
- Meng Rui & Wang Ying-Lun 2012 - Two new species of the genus Celyphoma Emeljanov, 1971 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China. Zootaxa 3497: 17-28.
- Meng Rui & Wang Ying-Lun 2012 - Two species of the genus Gergithus Stal (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China, with a redescription of G. bimaculatus Zhang and Che, and G. tessellatus Matsumura. Zootaxa 3247: 1-18.
- Meng Rui, Wang Ying-Lun & Qin Dao-Zheng 2013 - A new genus of the tribe Hemisphaeriini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China. Zootaxa 3691(2): 283-290.
- Meng Rui, Wang Meng-Lin & Wang Ying-Lun 2014 - On the taxonomy of the tribe Pisachini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Nogodinidae) with the description of new taxa from China and Vietnam. Zootaxa 3866(1): 79-104.
- Meng Rui, Qin Dao-Zheng & Wang Ying-Lun 2015 - A new genus of the tribe Parahiraciini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from Hainan Island. Zootaxa 3956(4): 579-588.
- Meng Rui, Gnezdilov V. M. & Wang Ying-Lun 2015 - Two new species of the genus Peltonotellus Puton (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Caliscelidae) from northwestern China with a world checklist. Zootaxa 4052(4): 465-477.
- Meng Rui, Wang Ying-Lun & Qin Dao-Zheng 2016 - A key to the genera of Issini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) of China and neighbouring countries, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 181: 1-25.
- Meng Rui & Wang Ying-Lun 2016 - Descriptions of new species of the genera Sarima Melichar and Sarimodes Matsumura from southern China (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae). ZooKeys 557: 93-109.
- Meng Rui, Wang Ying-Lun & Qin Dao-Zheng 2016 - Four new species of the genus Mongoliana Distant (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from southern China. Zootaxa 4061(2): 101-118.
- Meng Rui & Wang Ying-Lun 2016 - Neotapirissus gen. nov. of the tribe Issini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from Hainan Island. Entomological Science 20(1): 45-49.
- Meng Rui, Webb M. D. & Wang Ying-Lun 2017 - Nomenclatural changes in the planthopper tribe Hemisphaeriini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) with description of a new genus and a new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 298: 1-25.
- Menon R. & Parshad B. 1960 - On Caliscelis eximia Stal with further notes on the genus Caliscelis (Issidae: Homoptera). The Indian Journal of Entomology 22(3): 141-146.
- Menon R. & Parshad B. 1961 - A new species of the genus Rhinogaster (Issidae: Homoptera) from Delhi. Indian Journal of Entomology 23: 20-22.
- Metcalf Z. P. 1915 - A list of the Homoptera of North Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 31: 35-60.
- Metcalf Z. P. 1920 - A Suggestion for a Better Popular Name for the Fulgoridae (Hemip.). Entomological News 31: 57-58.
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- Metcalf Z. P. 1922 - On the genus Elidiptera (Homoptera). Canadian Entomologist 54: 263-264.
- Metcalf Z. P. 1923 - A key to the Fulgoridae of Eastern North America with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 38: 139-230.
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- Metcalf Z. P. 1938 - The Fulgorina of Barro Colorado and other parts of Panama. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Cambridge, Mass 82: 277-423.
- Metcalf Z. P. 1943 - Part 3. Delphacidae. In: Metcalf Z. P. 1954 - General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicule IV, North Carolina State College, Raleigh (United States of America). p. 1-549.
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