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UPMC Version: 8
Last update: 2024-01-04
Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web
(昆虫纲, 半翅目, 蜡蝉亚目)

Nomina si nescis, perit cognitio rerum. Et nomina si perdas, certe distinctio rerum perditur.
"If you don't know the names, the knowledge of things perishes. And if you lose the names, undoubted distinction of things is lost."
Edward Coke, 1628, Institutes of the Laws of England [Coke upon Littleton] & Carl von Linné, 1736, Critica botanica.

"The nameless is the beginning of Heaven and Earth, The named is the mother of all things."
老子 Lǎozi (6-4th century BC). Tao Te Ching [The Book of Tao], verse 1.

FLOW 的目标是综合和共享所有与蜡蝉相关的命名、分类学以及文献信息,以更好地保存和利用在该研究领域中已取得的系统的专业知识。通过与其他生物数据库的链接, FLOW 旨在为在生物多样性保护和管理领域的基础研究和应用研究提供研究模型。

Maintaining FLOW updated is a challenge: on one side, financial and human resources, academic recognition and support are still lacking for such initiatives, and on the other side, new species descriptions, taxonomic revisions, usages of names... are a constinuously process. This is why FLOW remains at a suboptimal quality and completeness assurance level.

FLOW 需要您的帮助与支持:
Bourgoin T. 2024. FLOW (Fulgoromorpha Lists on The Web): a world knowledge base dedicated to Fulgoromorpha.
Version 8, updated [date]. https://hemiptera-databases.org/flow/