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Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 previous combination   Lydda gressitti (Van Stalle, 1990) 根 据 Van Stalle (1992): 196
地理分布图: 現存類群
Opacity 30%
Indonesia (Western New Guinea) (Irian Jaya)  根 据  Van Stalle (1990): 105
Papua New Guinea  根 据  Van Stalle (1990): 105 , Van Stalle (1992): 197
Musa acuminata Colla (Zingiberales, Musaceae) 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 107
Saccharum officinarum L. (Poales, Poaceae) 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 107
Zea mays L. (Poales, Poaceae) 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 107
74 模式
10 Paratypes ♀ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [BPBM] Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hawaii 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
14 Paratypes ♂ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [BPBM] Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hawaii 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
7 Paratypes ♂ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [MZB] Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
11 Paratypes ♀ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [MZB] Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
Holotype ♂ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 标本保存在 [RBINS] [IRSNB] Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
15 Paratypes ♀ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [RBINS] [IRSNB] Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105
16 Paratypes ♂ Proutista gressitti Van Stalle, 1990 deposited in [RBINS] [IRSNB] Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels 根 据 Van Stalle (1990): 105