Hope F. W., 1840
Aphaena amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Euphria amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaena (Aphaena) amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Aphaena (Callidepsa) amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaena aurora (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Euphria aurora (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaena (Callidepsa) amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaena punicea (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Lycorma punicea (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaenina dimidiata (Hope, 1843) previous rank of Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa dimidiata (Hope, 1843) |
Aphana amabilis Hope, 1843 previous combination of Aphaena amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Aphana aurora Hope, 1843 previous combination of Aphaena aurora (Hope, 1843) |
Aphana dimidiata (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Aphaenina dimidiata (Hope, 1843) |
Corethrura Hope, 1843 |
Corethrura Hope, 1843 previous combination of Corethrura Hope, 1843 |
Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843 |
Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843 previous combination of Lophops fuscovarius (Hope, 1843) |
Euphria amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Aphaena (Aphaena) amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Euphria aurora (Hope, 1843) synonym of Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia (Hope, 1840) |
Eurybrachis basalis Hope, 1843 previous combination of Polydictya basalis (Hope, 1843) |
Eurybrachys pulverosa Hope, 1843 previous combination of Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843) |
Eurybrachys reversa Hope, 1843 previous combination of Messena reversa (Hope, 1843) |
Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843) |
Lophops fuscovarius (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843 |
Lycorma imperialis punicea (Hope, 1843) |
Lycorma punicea (Hope, 1843) previous rank of Lycorma imperialis punicea (Hope, 1843) |
Lystra dimidiata Hope, 1843 previous combination of Aphana dimidiata (Hope, 1843) |
Lystra westwoodii Hope, 1843 previous combination of Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843) |
Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843) |
Messena reversa (Hope, 1843) previous combination of Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843) |
Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa dimidiata (Hope, 1843) synonym of Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa farinosa (Weber, 1801) |
Polydictya basalis (Hope, 1843) |
Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843) |