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Hope (1843)

Hope F. W. 1843 - On some rare and beautiful insects from Silhet, chiefly in the collection of Frederick John Parry, Esq. F. L. S. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. London 19: 131-136.
Aphaena amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination Euphria amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Aphaena (Aphaena) amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination Aphaena (Callidepsa) amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Aphaena aurora (Hope, 1843) previous combination Euphria aurora (Hope, 1843)
Aphaena (Callidepsa) amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Aphaena punicea (Hope, 1843) previous combination Lycorma punicea (Hope, 1843)
Aphaenina dimidiata (Hope, 1843) previous rank Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa dimidiata (Hope, 1843)
Aphana amabilis Hope, 1843 previous combination Aphaena amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Aphana aurora Hope, 1843 previous combination Aphaena aurora (Hope, 1843)
Aphana dimidiata (Hope, 1843) previous combination Aphaenina dimidiata (Hope, 1843)
Corethrura Hope, 1843
Corethrura Hope, 1843 previous combination Corethrura Hope, 1843
Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843
Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843 previous combination Lophops fuscovarius (Hope, 1843)
Euphria amabilis (Hope, 1843) previous combination Aphaena (Aphaena) amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Euphria aurora (Hope, 1843) synonym Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia (Hope, 1840)
Eurybrachis basalis Hope, 1843 previous combination Polydictya basalis (Hope, 1843)
Eurybrachys pulverosa Hope, 1843 previous combination Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843)
Eurybrachys reversa Hope, 1843 previous combination Messena reversa (Hope, 1843)
Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843)
Lophops fuscovarius (Hope, 1843) previous combination Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843
Lycorma imperialis punicea (Hope, 1843)
Lycorma punicea (Hope, 1843) previous rank Lycorma imperialis punicea (Hope, 1843)
Lystra dimidiata Hope, 1843 previous combination Aphana dimidiata (Hope, 1843)
Lystra westwoodii Hope, 1843 previous combination Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843)
Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843)
Messena reversa (Hope, 1843) previous combination Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843)
Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa dimidiata (Hope, 1843) synonym Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa farinosa (Weber, 1801)
Polydictya basalis (Hope, 1843)
Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843)
Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia (Hope, 1840)
Aphaena (Callidepsa) amabilis (Hope, 1843)
Corethrura fuscovaria Hope, 1843
Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843)
Lycorma imperialis punicea (Hope, 1843)
Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843)
Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa farinosa (Weber, 1801)
Polydictya basalis (Hope, 1843)
Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843)
Thessitus insignis (Westwood, 1842)
Wrong spelling
Aphanae Burmeister, 1835 wrong spelling Aphana Burmeister, 1835
Aphanae aurantiae Hope, 1840 wrong spelling Aphana aurantia Hope, 1840
Eurybrachis pulverosa Hope, 1843 wrong spelling Messena pulverosa (Hope, 1843)
Eurybrachis reversa Hope, 1843 wrong spelling Eurybrachys reversa Hope, 1843