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Chronological account
Sphenorhina cercopoides Walker, 1858 previous combination of Tomaspis cercopoides (Walker, 1858) according to Distant (1909): 201
Tomaspis cercopoides (Walker, 1858) previous combination of Schistogonia cercopoides (Walker, 1858) according to Nast (1949): 476
Schistogonia simulans Schmidt, 1920 synonym of Schistogonia cercopoides (Walker, 1858) according to Carvalho & Webb (2005): 88
Graphical display of the chronological account
Geographical distribution  (partial)
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Data accuracy
Level 4
Levels 1, 2 and 3
(TDWG standard) GBIF occurrences