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Maa (1963)

Maa Tsing-Chao 1963 - A review of the Machaerotidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea). Pacific insects monograh 5. 166 pp. Entomological Department, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu (United States of America (Hawaii)).
Original available names
Aecalus Maa, 1963
Aecalus pembertoni Maa, 1963
Blastacaena Maa, 1963
Blastacaena rugiceps Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes bloetei Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes kukukukui Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes lubricans Maa, 1963
Hindola apicalis Maa, 1963
Hindola prostrata Maa, 1963
Hindola striata Maa, 1963
Hindola tumidula Maa, 1963
Labrosyne Maa, 1963
Labrosyne longipes Maa, 1963
Machaeropsis rubrilineata Maa, 1963
Machaerota ampliata Maa, 1963
Machaerota confusa Maa, 1963
Machaerota convexa Maa, 1963
Machaerota elegans Maa, 1963
Machaerota latior Maa, 1963
Machaerota longiscutata Maa, 1963
Machaerota palawana Maa, 1963
Machaerota signatipennis Maa, 1963
Machaerota woodlarki Maa, 1963
Neuromachaerota discigutta Maa, 1963
Pectinariophyes basicostalis Maa, 1963
Pectinariophyes hyalinipennis (Stål, 1855)
Pectinariophyes rudinotum Maa, 1963
Platymachaerota gressiti Maa, 1963
Romachaeta Maa, 1963
Romachaeta brachynotum Maa, 1963
Sigmasoma chakratongi Maa, 1963
Taihorina simplex Maa, 1963
Tapinacaena Maa, 1963
Tapinacaena rotundata Maa, 1963
Tapinacaena sigmatoides Maa, 1963
Trigonurella Maa, 1963
Trigonurella simonthomasi Maa, 1963
Trigonurella szentivanyi Maa, 1963
Aphromachaerota Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Taihorina Schumacher, 1915
Aphromachaerota adusta Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Taihorina geisha Schumacher, 1915
Chaetophyes bicolor Schmidt, 1918 synonym of Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Conmachaerota Schmidt, 1918 synonym of Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
Conmachaerota bakeri Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Machaerota ensifera Burmeister, 1835
Conmachaerota carinata Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Machaerota rastrata (Walker, 1870)
Eumachaerota Schmidt, 1928 synonym of Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
Grypomachaerota tricolor Baker, 1919 synonym of Grypomachaerota turbinata Schmidt, 1907
Hindola aequalior (Kirkaldy, 1906) synonym of Pectinariophyes stalii (Spangberg, 1878)
Hindola australiae (Walker, 1851) synonym of Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Hindola bifrons (Walker, 1851) synonym of Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Hindola dohertyi (Distant, 1916) synonym of Hindola viridicans (Stål, 1854)
Hindola fasciata Lallemand, 1955 synonym of Pectinariophyes hyalinipennis (Stål, 1855)
Hindola mutabilis (Spangberg, 1878) synonym of Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Hindola pectinaria (Kirkaldy, 1906) synonym of Pectinariophyes stalii (Spangberg, 1878)
Hindola sorurcula (Spangberg, 1878) synonym of Pectinariophyes stalii (Spangberg, 1878)
Hindola sumatrensis (Schmidt, 1912) synonym of Hindola viridicans (Stål, 1854)
Hindoloides formosana Kato, 1929 synonym of Hindoloides bipunctata (Haupt, 1924)
Hindoloides rubrodorsum Esaki, 1931 synonym of Hindoloides bipunctata (Haupt, 1924)
Machaerota ensiferina Schmidt, 1907 synonym of Machaerota ensifera Burmeister, 1835
Machaerota extensa Maa, 1956 synonym of Machaerota formosana Kato, 1928
Machaerota guttigera Westwood, 1886 synonym of Machaerota punctatonervosa Signoret, 1879
Machaerota incerta Lallemand, 1927 synonym of Machaerota discreta (Schmidt, 1918)
Machaerota insignis Lallemand, 1927 synonym of Machaerota moluccana Kirkaldy, 1913
Machaerota lieftincki Maa, 1949 synonym of Machaerota rastrata (Walker, 1870)
Machaerota noctua Distant, 1916 synonym of Machaerota spangbergii Signoret, 1879
Machaerota planitiae Distant, 1908 synonym of Machaerota spangbergii Signoret, 1879
Machaerota punctulata Signoret, 1879 synonym of Machaerota spangbergii Signoret, 1879
Maxudea schmidtii Baker, 1919 synonym of Maxudea crassiventris Schmidt, 1907
Metahindola Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Hindola Kirkaldy, 1900
Neurohindola Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy, 1906
Neuromachaerota becquarti Liu, 1942 synonym of Taihorina geisha Schumacher, 1915
Pachymachaerota Schmidt, 1907 synonym of Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
Pachymachaerota signoreti Schmidt, 1907 synonym of Machaerota pugionata Stål, 1865
Parahindola Baker, 1927 synonym of Hindola Kirkaldy, 1900
Promaxudea Lallemand, 1927 synonym of Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
Soamachaerota tmetoptera (Jacobi, 1928) synonym of Soamachaerota appendiculata (Hacker, 1926)
Trichophyes Lallemand, 1951 synonym of Taihorina Schumacher, 1915
Weigoldella Haupt, 1924 synonym of Hindoloides Distant, 1915
Chaetophyes admittens (Walker, 1858) new combination of Aphrophora admittens Walker, 1858
Machaerota brunnipes (Schmidt, 1918) new combination of Conmachaerota brunnipes Schmidt, 1918
Machaerota coronata (Maa, 1947) new combination of Conmachaerota coronata Maa, 1947
Machaerota discreta (Schmidt, 1918) new combination of Conmachaerota discreta Schmidt, 1918
Machaerota notoceras Schmidt, 1907 new combination of Conmachaerota notoceras (Schmidt, 1907)
Machaerota spangbergii Signoret, 1879 new combination of Conmachaerota spangbergi (Signoret, 1879)
Machaerota foveata (Maa, 1949) new combination of Eumachaerota foveata Maa, 1949
Machaerota siebersi (Schmidt, 1928) new combination of Eumachaerota siebersi Schmidt, 1928
Machaerota taiheisana (Matsumura, 1940) new combination of Eumachaerota taiheisana (Matsumura, 1940)
Sigmasoma borneense (Baker, 1919) new combination of Grypomachaerota borneensis Baker, 1919
Pectinariophyes antica Jacobi, 1921 new combination of Hindola antica (Jacobi, 1921)
Makiptyelus dimorphus Maki, 1914 new combination of Hindola dimorpha (Maki, 1914)
Taihorina geisha Schumacher, 1915 new combination of Hindola geisha (Schumacher, 1915)
Pectinariophyes hyalinipennis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Hindola hyalinipennis (Stål, 1855)
Aecalus lucidus (Distant, 1916) new combination of Hindola lucida Distant, 1916
Pectinariophyes luzonensis (Baker, 1927) new combination of Hindola luzonensis Baker, 1927
Pectinariophyes notanda (Distant, 1916) new combination of Hindola notanda (Distant, 1916)
Pectinariophyes stalii (Spangberg, 1878) new combination of Hindola stalii (Spangberg, 1878)
Hindola taiwana (Kato, 1933) new combination of Machaeropsis taiwana Kato, 1933
Hindola tamangana (Lallemand, 1951) new combination of Metahindola tamangana Lallemand, 1951
Pectinariophyes reticulata (Spangberg, 1878) new combination of Neurohindola reticulata (Spangberg, 1878)
Machaerota nigrifrons (Schmidt, 1907) new combination of Pachymachaerota nigrifrons Schmidt, 1907
Machaerota pugionata Stål, 1865 new combination of Pachymachaerota pugionata (Stål, 1865)
Hindola borneensis (Baker, 1927) new combination of Parahindola borneensis Baker, 1927
Hindola pahangana (Lallemand, 1951) new combination of Parahindola pahangana Lallemand, 1951
Machaerota humboldti (Lallemand, 1927) new combination of Promaxudea humboldti Lallemand, 1927
Taihorina batangana (Lallemand, 1951) new combination of Trichophyes batangana Lallemand, 1951
Wrong spelling correction
Macharopsis Melichar, 1903 wrong spelling of Machaeropsis Melichar, 1903
Geographical distribution
Aecalus lucidus (Distant, 1916)
Aecalus pembertoni Maa, 1963
Blastacaena rugiceps Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes admittens (Walker, 1858)
Chaetophyes bloetei Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes ceramensis Lallemand, 1927
Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Chaetophyes kukukukui Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes lubricans Maa, 1963
Chaetophyes vicina Lallemand, 1927
Conditor collatatus Distant, 1916
Grypomachaerota breviceps Baker, 1919
Grypomachaerota turbinata Schmidt, 1907
Hindola apicalis Maa, 1963
Hindola borneensis (Baker, 1927)
Hindola fulva Baker, 1927
Hindola nitida Baker, 1927
Hindola pahangana (Lallemand, 1951)
Hindola prostrata Maa, 1963
Hindola striata Maa, 1963
Hindola taiwana (Kato, 1933)
Hindola tamangana (Lallemand, 1951)
Hindola tumidula Maa, 1963
Hindola viridicans (Stål, 1854)
Labrosyne longipes Maa, 1963
Machaeropsis rubrilineata Maa, 1963
Machaerota ampliata Maa, 1963
Machaerota andamanensis Distant, 1908
Machaerota assamensis Distant, 1916
Machaerota attenuata (Baker, 1927)
Machaerota brunnipes (Schmidt, 1918)
Machaerota confusa Maa, 1963
Machaerota convexa Maa, 1963
Machaerota coronata (Maa, 1947)
Machaerota discreta (Schmidt, 1918)
Machaerota elegans Maa, 1963
Machaerota exaggerata Maa, 1949
Machaerota finitima Jacobi, 1928
Machaerota flavolineata Distant, 1908
Machaerota formosana Kato, 1928
Machaerota foveata (Maa, 1949)
Machaerota humboldti (Lallemand, 1927)
Machaerota latior Maa, 1963
Machaerota longiscutata Maa, 1963
Machaerota luzonensis Schmidt, 1907
Machaerota moluccana Kirkaldy, 1913
Machaerota nigrifrons (Schmidt, 1907)
Machaerota notoceras Schmidt, 1907
Machaerota palawana Maa, 1963
Machaerota pandata Distant, 1916
Machaerota philippinensis Baker, 1919
Machaerota pugionata Stål, 1865
Machaerota punctatonervosa Signoret, 1879
Machaerota rastrata (Walker, 1870)
Machaerota siebersi (Schmidt, 1928)
Machaerota signatipennis Maa, 1963
Machaerota spangbergii Signoret, 1879
Machaerota subnasuta Maa, 1949
Machaerota taiheisana (Matsumura, 1940)
Machaerota virescens Maa, 1956
Machaerota woodlarki Maa, 1963
Makiptyelus dimorphus Maki, 1914
Maxudea crassiventris Schmidt, 1907
Neuromachaerota discigutta Maa, 1963
Pectinariophyes antica Jacobi, 1921
Pectinariophyes basicostalis Maa, 1963
Pectinariophyes hyalinipennis (Stål, 1855)
Pectinariophyes luzonensis (Baker, 1927)
Pectinariophyes notanda (Distant, 1916)
Pectinariophyes reticulata (Spangberg, 1878)
Pectinariophyes rudinotum Maa, 1963
Platymachaerota elevata Schmidt, 1918
Platymachaerota gressiti Maa, 1963
Romachaeta brachynotum Maa, 1963
Sigmasoma bifalcata Schmidt, 1907
Sigmasoma borneense (Baker, 1919)
Sigmasoma chakratongi Maa, 1963
Soamachaerota appendiculata (Hacker, 1926)
Taihorina batangana (Lallemand, 1951)
Taihorina geisha Schumacher, 1915
Taihorina simplex Maa, 1963
Tapinacaena rotundata Maa, 1963
Tapinacaena sigmatoides Maa, 1963
Trigonurella simonthomasi Maa, 1963
Trigonurella szentivanyi Maa, 1963
Correct use
Hindoloides bipunctata (Haupt, 1924)
Machaerota luzonensis Schmidt, 1907