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Metcalf (1960)

Metcalf Z. P. 1960 - Part 1. Machaerotidae. In: Metcalf Z. P. 1963 - General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicule VII., North Carolina State College, Raleigh (United States of America). p. 1-49.
Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851) new combination of Hindola compacta (Walker, 1851)
Conmachaerota spangbergi (Signoret, 1879) new combination of Machaerota spangbergi Signoret, 1879
Wrong spelling correction
Asichaerota Matsumura, 1940 wrong spelling of Asimachaerota Matsumura, 1940
Asichaerota takeuchii Kato, 1931 wrong spelling of Machaerota takeuchii Kato, 1931
Carystus stali Spangberg, 1878 wrong spelling of Carystus stalii Spangberg, 1878
Hindoloiders ubrodorsum Esaki, 1931 wrong spelling of Hindoloides rubrodorsum Esaki, 1931
Hindoloides rubridorsum Esaki, 1931 wrong spelling of Hindoloides rubrodorsum Esaki, 1931
Hindoloides rubrodorsnm Esaki, 1931 wrong spelling of Hindoloides rubrodorsum Esaki, 1931
Machaerota encifera Burmeister, 1835 wrong spelling of Machaerota ensifera Burmeister, 1835
Machaerota philippensis Baker, 1919 wrong spelling of Machaerota philippinensis Baker, 1919
Machaerota planitae Distant, 1908 wrong spelling of Machaerota planitiae Distant, 1908
Machaerota takeunsphci Kato, 1931 wrong spelling of Machaerota takeuchii Kato, 1931
Machaerota takeushii Kato, 1931 wrong spelling of Machaerota takeuchii Kato, 1931
Macharopsis taiwana Kato, 1933 wrong spelling of Machaeropsis taiwana Kato, 1933
Macherota Bur, 1835 wrong spelling of Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
Machoerata planitiae Distant, 1908 wrong spelling of Machaerota planitiae Distant, 1908
Modiglianella Lallemand, 1900 wrong spelling of Modiglianiella Schmidt, 1912
Narnia rostrata Walker, 1870 wrong spelling of Narnia rastrata Walker, 1870
Pectinarophyes Kirkaldy, 1906 wrong spelling of Pectinariophyes Kirkaldy, 1906
Pseudomachaerta Melichar, 1915 wrong spelling of Pseudomachaerota Melichar, 1915
Strandiana longipensis (Lallemand, 1924) wrong spelling of Strandiana longipennis (Lallemand, 1924)
Geographical distribution
Aphrosiphon bauhiniae China, 1935
Apomachaerota reticulata Schmidt, 1907
Chaetophyes compacta (Walker, 1851)
Enderleinia fumipennis Schmidt, 1924
Hindoloides indicans Distant, 1915
Hindoloides trilineata Maa, 1947
Machaeropsis nervosa (Lallemand, 1936)
Machaeropsis valida Melichar, 1903
Machaerota attenuata (Baker, 1927)
Machaerota brunnipes (Schmidt, 1918)
Machaerota coomani Lallemand, 1942
Machaerota ensifera Burmeister, 1835
Machaerota esakii Kato, 1939
Machaerota fukienicola Maa, 1947
Machaerota fusca Baker, 1919
Machaerota mindanaensis (Baker, 1927)
Machaerota philippinensis Baker, 1919
Machaerota takeuchii Kato, 1931
Neuroleinia collarti Lallemand, 1936
Neuromachaerota obscurior Jacobi, 1921
Neuromachaerota vosseleri Schmidt, 1912
Pectinariophyes luzonensis (Baker, 1927)
Pectinariophyes stalii (Spangberg, 1878)
Polychaetophyes serpulidia Kirkaldy, 1906
Pseudomachaerota olivacea Melichar, 1915
Serreia notabilis Baker, 1927
Correct use
Weigoldella bipunctata Haupt, 1924