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Chronological account
Derbe pterophoroides Westwood, 1851 previous combination of Zoraida pterophoroides (Westwood, 1851) according to Distant (1906)
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Data accuracy
Level 4
Levels 1, 2 and 3
(TDWG standard) GBIF occurrences
Geographical distribution
Caroline Islands  according to  Fennah (1956): 131
China (Sichuan)  according to  Liang (2005): 430
India (Punjab)  according to  Metcalf (1945)
Japan  according to  Hayashi & Fujinuma (2016): 344 refuted by Hayashi & Fujinuma (2016): 344
Palau  according to  Fennah (1956): 131
South Korea  according to  Kwon & Huh (2001) refuted by Rahman et al. (2012): 239
Sri Lanka  according to  Kirby (1891): 142 , Metcalf (1945)