Aburia Stål, 1866 |
Achaemenes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achaemenes Stål, 1866 |
Achaemenes Stål, 1866 |
Achaemenes costalis Stål, 1866 |
Achaemenes diluta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Flachaemus diluta (Stål, 1866) |
Achaemenes notatinervis Stål, 1866 |
Achaemenes ornatipennis Stål, 1866 synonym of Achaemenes resurgens (Walker, 1858) |
Achilidae Stål, 1866 |
Achilina Stål, 1866 |
Achilinae Stål, 1866 |
Achilinae Stål, 1866 previous rank of Achilidae Stål, 1866 |
Achilini Stål, 1866 |
Achilini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilini Stål, 1866 |
Achilini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilini Stål, 1866 |
Achilites Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilinae Stål, 1866 |
Acmonia Stål, 1866 |
Acraephia Stål, 1866 |
Afronersia (Afronersia) serena (Stål, 1866) |
Aliphera Stål, 1866 |
Aluntia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Aluntia Stål, 1866 |
Aluntia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Aluntia Stål, 1866 |
Aluntia Stål, 1866 |
Anagnia afra Stål, 1866 previous combination of Paranagnia afra (Stål, 1866) |
Andes Stål, 1866 |
Andes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Andes Stål, 1866 |
Anigrus Stål, 1866 |
Anigrus lugens Stål, 1866 synonym of Anigrus bergrothi (Muir, 1927) |
Anigrus sordidus Stål, 1866 |
Aracynthus Stål, 1866 |
Artacie Stål, 1866 |
Atracis Stål, 1866 |
Atracis impura Stål, 1866 synonym of Uysanus impurus (Stål, 1866) |
Belbina nympha (Stål, 1866) |
Borysthenes Stål, 1866 |
Borysthenes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Borysthenes Stål, 1866 |
Byllis Stål, 1866 |
Caesonia Stål, 1866 |
Cajeta Stål, 1866 |
Cajeta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Cajeta Stål, 1866 |
Calauria Stål, 1866 |
Calauria sulciceps Stål, 1866 |
Capena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Capena Stål, 1866 |
Capena Stål, 1866 |
Capena fuscinervis Stål, 1866 |
Clardea notatula Stål, 1866 |
Cnidus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Cnidus Stål, 1866 |
Cnidus Stål, 1866 |
Conchoptera Stål, 1866 synonym of Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860 |
Cornelia Stål, 1866 synonym of Belbina Stål, 1863 |
Cornelia nympha Stål, 1866 previous combination of Belbina nympha (Stål, 1866) |
Crepusia Stål, 1866 |
Dendrona verruculata (Stål, 1866) |
Dictyophara africana (Stål, 1866) synonym of Dictyophara elliptica Walker, 1851 |
Dictyophara serena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Nersia serena (Stål, 1866) |
Dictyophara validirostris Stål, 1866 previous combination of Philotheria validirostris (Stål, 1866) |
Domitia Stål, 1866 synonym of Jamaicastes Kirkaldy, 1900 |
Druentia Stål, 1866 |
Durium caffrum Stål, 1866 |
Eteocles Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Xosias Kirkaldy, 1904 |
Eteocles faecarius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Xosias faecaria (Stål, 1866) |
Falcidius Stål, 1866 |
Falcidius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Falcidius Stål, 1866 |
Falcidius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Falcidius Stål, 1866 |
Faventia Stål, 1866 synonym of Faventilla Metcalf, 1948 |
Fescennia Stål, 1866 |
Fescennia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Fescennia Stål, 1866 |
Fescennia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Fescennia Stål, 1866 |
Fescennia laticeps Stål, 1866 synonym of Fescennia bivittata (Coquerel, 1859) |
Flaccia Stål, 1866 |
Flaccia conspersa Stål, 1866 |
Flachaemus diluta (Stål, 1866) |
Flata nigropunctata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Flatopsis nivea nigropunctata (Stål, 1866) |
Flatoides hyalinopterus Stål, 1866 synonym of Flatoidessa hyalinipennis (Signoret, 1860) |
Flatoides nigropunctata Stål, 1866 synonym of Flatopsis nivea (Signoret, 1860) |
Flatoides verruculata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Dendrona verruculata (Stål, 1866) |
Flatopsis nivea nigropunctata (Stål, 1866) |
Hapalomelus incertus Stål, 1866 synonym of Hapalomelus flavipes Stål, 1855 |
Herophile Stål, 1866 synonym of Hemiphile Metcalf, 1952 |
Idiomyctus notatulus (Stål, 1866) |
Idume Stål, 1866 |
Ilva Stål, 1866 previous combination of Ilva Stål, 1866 |
Ilva Stål, 1866 |
Ilva nigrosignata Stål, 1866 |
Ityraea Stål, 1866 |
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866 |
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866 |
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866 |
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866 |
Laberia Stål, 1866 |
Laberia palliata Stål, 1866 |
Lanuvia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lanuvia Stål, 1866 |
Lanuvia Stål, 1866 |
Latois Stål, 1866 |
Lechaea Stål, 1866 |
Liburnia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Liburnia Stål, 1866 |
Liburnia Stål, 1866 |
Lollius Stål, 1866 |
Lollius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lollius Stål, 1866 |
Lollius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lollius Stål, 1866 |
Lophopidae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopidae Stål, 1866 |
Lophopidae Stål, 1866 |
Lophopidae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopinae Stål, 1866 |
Lophopinae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopidae Stål, 1866 |
Lophops angustipennis Stål, 1866 |
Lyncides Stål, 1866 |
Menenia Stål, 1866 |
Metaurus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Metaurus Stål, 1866 |
Metaurus Stål, 1866 |
Mnemosyne Stål, 1866 previous combination of Mnemosyne Stål, 1866 |
Mnemosyne Stål, 1866 |
Mulvia Stål, 1866 |
Mulvia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Mulvia Stål, 1866 |
Nersia serena (Stål, 1866) previous combination of Afronersia (Afronersia) serena (Stål, 1866) |
Numicia Stål, 1866 |
Numicia fuscopicta Stål, 1866 synonym of Numicia taenia (Walker, 1851) |
Numicia herbida Stål, 1866 |
Paraflata seminigra (Stål, 1866) |
Paranagnia afra (Stål, 1866) |
Philotheria validirostris (Stål, 1866) |
Phromnia seminigra Stål, 1866 previous combination of Paraflata seminigra (Stål, 1866) |
Poblicia Stål, 1866 |
Pocharica venusta (Stål, 1866) |
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866 |
Pucina Stål, 1866 |
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866 |
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866 |
Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Tarundia cinctipennis var. immarginata Stål, 1866 |
Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Tarundia cinctipennis immarginata Stål, 1866 |
Ricania luctifera Stål, 1866 synonym of Pocharica oculata (Signoret, 1860) |
Ricania maculata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pochazoides maculata Signoret, 1860 |
Ricania quinquefasciata Stål, 1866 |
Ricania venusta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pocharica venusta (Stål, 1866) |
Ricania versicolor Stål, 1886 previous combination of Deraulax versicolor Signoret, 1860 |
Rudia Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Temora Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866 |
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866 |
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866 |
Salona Stål, 1866 |
Sarnus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sarnus Stål, 1866 |
Sarnus Stål, 1866 |
Sarnus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sarnus Stål, 1866 |
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866 |
Scantinius Stål, 1866 |
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866 |
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866 |
Sevia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sevia Stål, 1866 |
Sevia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sevia Stål, 1866 |
Sevia Stål, 1866 |
Sevia (Sevia) Stål, 1966 |
Sicoris Stål, 1866 |
Sicoris Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sicoris Stål, 1866 |
Simotettix vitrea Stål, 1866 synonym of Raphiophora vitrea (Schaum, 1850) |
Tarundia cinctipennis immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866 |
Tarundia cinctipennis var. immarginata Stål, 1866 |
Telmessus Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Colmadona Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866 |
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866 |
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866 |
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866 |
Tempsa Stål, 1866 |
Tetrica Stål, 1866 |
Tetrica Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tetrica Stål, 1866 |
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866 |
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866 |
Thabena Stål, 1866 |
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866 |
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchinae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchinae Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchini Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tropiduchini Stål, 1866 |
Tropiduchus viridicans Stål, 1866 synonym of Monopsis sinica Walker, 1851 |
Tylana indecora Stål, 1866 synonym of Tylana indecora Stål, 1869 |
Ulubra Stål, 1866 |
Ulubra Stål, 1866 synonym of Enhydria Walker, 1858 |
Uysanus impurus (Stål, 1866) |
Xosias faecaria (Stål, 1866) synonym of Xosias globularis (Walker, 1858) |
Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Aphaena morosa Walker, 1851 |
Liburnia centralis (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Cixius centralis Signoret, 1860 |
Oliarus natalensis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Cixius natalensis Stål, 1855 |
Cladodiptera Spinola, 1839 transferred from to Fulgorida |
Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854) new combination of Delphax bohemani Stål, 1854 |
Leptodelphax maculigera (Stål, 1859) new combination of Delphax maculigera Stål, 1859 |
Liburnia vitticollis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Delphax vitticollis Stål, 1855 |
Thracia lania (Stål, 1855) new combination of Derbe lania Stål, 1855 |
Derbida Spinola, 1839 new combination of Derboides Spinola, 1839 |
Phenice signoreti (Coquerel, 1859) new combination of Deribia signoreti Coquerel, 1859 |
Sevia intermaculata (Stål, 1862) new combination of Diacira intermaculata Stål, 1862 |
Dichoptera Spinola, 1839 transferred from Fulgorites to Fulgorida |
Numicia taenia (Walker, 1851) new combination of Dictyophara taenia Walker, 1851 |
Eurybrachydida Stål, 1862 new combination of Eurybrachydidum Stål, 1862 |
Atracis pyralis (Guérin-Méneville, 1831) new combination of Flata pyralis Guérin-Méneville, 1831 |
Phromnia rubra Signoret, 1860 new combination of Flata rubra Signoret, 1860 |
Aluntia schimperii (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) new combination of Fulgora schimperii Guérin-Méneville, 1849 |
Lyncides coquerelii (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Hiracia coquerelii Signoret, 1860 |
Issus Brullé, 1832 transferred from Issites to Fulgorida |
Issus analis Brullé, 1833 transferred from Issites to Fulgorida |
Gamergus compressus (Stål, 1855) new combination of Issus compressus Stål, 1855 |
Latois antica (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Nephesa antica Signoret, 1860 |
Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Omalocephala morosa Westwood, 1851 |
Ricania ocellata Signoret, 1860 new combination of Pocharica ocellata Signoret, 1860 |
Ricania quinquecostata (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Pochazia quinquecostatus Signoret, 1860 |
Ricania sinuata (Stål, 1865) new combination of Pochazia sinuata Stål, 1865 |
Ricania tibialis (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Pochazia tibialis Signoret, 1860 |
Flata unipunctata (Olivier, 1791) new combination of Poeciloptera unipunctata (Olivier, 1791) |
Ricaniida Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 new combination of Ricaniides Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 |
Ricania cinctipennis (Stål, 1862) new combination of Tarundia cinctipennis Stål, 1862 |
Tettigometra Latreille, 1804 transferred from to Fulgorida |
Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854) new combination of Tettigometra funesta Stål, 1854 |
Isthmia patruelis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Tettigometra patruelis Stål, 1855 |
Brixia fasciata (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Triopsis fasciata Signoret, 1860 |