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Stål (1866)

Stål C. 1866 - Hemiptera Homoptera Latr. Hemiptera Africana 4: 1-276.
Original available names
Aburia Stål, 1866
Achaemenes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achaemenes Stål, 1866
Achaemenes Stål, 1866
Achaemenes costalis Stål, 1866
Achaemenes diluta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Flachaemus diluta (Stål, 1866)
Achaemenes notatinervis Stål, 1866
Achaemenes ornatipennis Stål, 1866 synonym of Achaemenes resurgens (Walker, 1858)
Achilidae Stål, 1866
Achilina Stål, 1866
Achilinae Stål, 1866
Achilinae Stål, 1866 previous rank of Achilidae Stål, 1866
Achilini Stål, 1866
Achilini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilini Stål, 1866
Achilini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilini Stål, 1866
Achilites Stål, 1866 previous combination of Achilinae Stål, 1866
Acmonia Stål, 1866
Acraephia Stål, 1866
Afronersia (Afronersia) serena (Stål, 1866)
Aliphera Stål, 1866
Aluntia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Aluntia Stål, 1866
Aluntia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Aluntia Stål, 1866
Aluntia Stål, 1866
Anagnia afra Stål, 1866 previous combination of Paranagnia afra (Stål, 1866)
Andes Stål, 1866
Andes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Andes Stål, 1866
Anigrus Stål, 1866
Anigrus lugens Stål, 1866 synonym of Anigrus bergrothi (Muir, 1927)
Anigrus sordidus Stål, 1866
Aracynthus Stål, 1866
Artacie Stål, 1866
Atracis Stål, 1866
Atracis impura Stål, 1866 synonym of Uysanus impurus (Stål, 1866)
Belbina nympha (Stål, 1866)
Borysthenes Stål, 1866
Borysthenes Stål, 1866 previous combination of Borysthenes Stål, 1866
Byllis Stål, 1866
Caesonia Stål, 1866
Cajeta Stål, 1866
Cajeta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Cajeta Stål, 1866
Calauria Stål, 1866
Calauria sulciceps Stål, 1866
Capena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Capena Stål, 1866
Capena Stål, 1866
Capena fuscinervis Stål, 1866
Clardea notatula Stål, 1866
Cnidus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Cnidus Stål, 1866
Cnidus Stål, 1866
Conchoptera Stål, 1866 synonym of Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860
Cornelia Stål, 1866 synonym of Belbina Stål, 1863
Cornelia nympha Stål, 1866 previous combination of Belbina nympha (Stål, 1866)
Crepusia Stål, 1866
Dendrona verruculata (Stål, 1866)
Dictyophara africana (Stål, 1866) synonym of Dictyophara elliptica Walker, 1851
Dictyophara serena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Nersia serena (Stål, 1866)
Dictyophara validirostris Stål, 1866 previous combination of Philotheria validirostris (Stål, 1866)
Domitia Stål, 1866 synonym of Jamaicastes Kirkaldy, 1900
Druentia Stål, 1866
Durium caffrum Stål, 1866
Eteocles Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Xosias Kirkaldy, 1904
Eteocles faecarius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Xosias faecaria (Stål, 1866)
Falcidius Stål, 1866
Falcidius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Falcidius Stål, 1866
Falcidius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Falcidius Stål, 1866
Faventia Stål, 1866 synonym of Faventilla Metcalf, 1948
Fescennia Stål, 1866
Fescennia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Fescennia Stål, 1866
Fescennia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Fescennia Stål, 1866
Fescennia laticeps Stål, 1866 synonym of Fescennia bivittata (Coquerel, 1859)
Flaccia Stål, 1866
Flaccia conspersa Stål, 1866
Flachaemus diluta (Stål, 1866)
Flata nigropunctata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Flatopsis nivea nigropunctata (Stål, 1866)
Flatoides hyalinopterus Stål, 1866 synonym of Flatoidessa hyalinipennis (Signoret, 1860)
Flatoides nigropunctata Stål, 1866 synonym of Flatopsis nivea (Signoret, 1860)
Flatoides verruculata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Dendrona verruculata (Stål, 1866)
Flatopsis nivea nigropunctata (Stål, 1866)
Hapalomelus incertus Stål, 1866 synonym of Hapalomelus flavipes Stål, 1855
Herophile Stål, 1866 synonym of Hemiphile Metcalf, 1952
Idiomyctus notatulus (Stål, 1866)
Idume Stål, 1866
Ilva Stål, 1866 previous combination of Ilva Stål, 1866
Ilva Stål, 1866
Ilva nigrosignata Stål, 1866
Ityraea Stål, 1866
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866
Laberia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Laberia Stål, 1866
Laberia Stål, 1866
Laberia palliata Stål, 1866
Lanuvia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lanuvia Stål, 1866
Lanuvia Stål, 1866
Latois Stål, 1866
Lechaea Stål, 1866
Liburnia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Liburnia Stål, 1866
Liburnia Stål, 1866
Lollius Stål, 1866
Lollius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lollius Stål, 1866
Lollius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lollius Stål, 1866
Lophopidae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopidae Stål, 1866
Lophopidae Stål, 1866
Lophopidae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopinae Stål, 1866
Lophopinae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Lophopidae Stål, 1866
Lophops angustipennis Stål, 1866
Lyncides Stål, 1866
Menenia Stål, 1866
Metaurus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Metaurus Stål, 1866
Metaurus Stål, 1866
Mnemosyne Stål, 1866 previous combination of Mnemosyne Stål, 1866
Mnemosyne Stål, 1866
Mulvia Stål, 1866
Mulvia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Mulvia Stål, 1866
Nersia serena (Stål, 1866) previous combination of Afronersia (Afronersia) serena (Stål, 1866)
Numicia Stål, 1866
Numicia fuscopicta Stål, 1866 synonym of Numicia taenia (Walker, 1851)
Numicia herbida Stål, 1866
Paraflata seminigra (Stål, 1866)
Paranagnia afra (Stål, 1866)
Philotheria validirostris (Stål, 1866)
Phromnia seminigra Stål, 1866 previous combination of Paraflata seminigra (Stål, 1866)
Poblicia Stål, 1866
Pocharica venusta (Stål, 1866)
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866
Pucina Stål, 1866
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866
Pucina Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pucina Stål, 1866
Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Tarundia cinctipennis var. immarginata Stål, 1866
Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Tarundia cinctipennis immarginata Stål, 1866
Ricania luctifera Stål, 1866 synonym of Pocharica oculata (Signoret, 1860)
Ricania maculata Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pochazoides maculata Signoret, 1860
Ricania quinquefasciata Stål, 1866
Ricania venusta Stål, 1866 previous combination of Pocharica venusta (Stål, 1866)
Ricania versicolor Stål, 1886 previous combination of Deraulax versicolor Signoret, 1860
Rudia Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Temora Kirkaldy, 1901
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866
Salona Stål, 1866 previous combination of Salona Stål, 1866
Salona Stål, 1866
Sarnus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sarnus Stål, 1866
Sarnus Stål, 1866
Sarnus Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sarnus Stål, 1866
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866
Scantinius Stål, 1866
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866
Scantinius Stål, 1866 previous combination of Scantinius Stål, 1866
Sevia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sevia Stål, 1866
Sevia Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sevia Stål, 1866
Sevia Stål, 1866
Sevia (Sevia) Stål, 1966
Sicoris Stål, 1866
Sicoris Stål, 1866 previous combination of Sicoris Stål, 1866
Simotettix vitrea Stål, 1866 synonym of Raphiophora vitrea (Schaum, 1850)
Tarundia cinctipennis immarginata Stål, 1866 previous rank of Ricania immarginata Stål, 1866
Tarundia cinctipennis var. immarginata Stål, 1866
Telmessus Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum of Colmadona Kirkaldy, 1901
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866
Tempsa Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tempsa Stål, 1866
Tempsa Stål, 1866
Tetrica Stål, 1866
Tetrica Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tetrica Stål, 1866
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866
Thabena Stål, 1866
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866
Thabena Stål, 1866 previous combination of Thabena Stål, 1866
Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866
Tropiduchinae Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866
Tropiduchinae Stål, 1866
Tropiduchini Stål, 1866
Tropiduchini Stål, 1866 previous combination of Tropiduchini Stål, 1866
Tropiduchus viridicans Stål, 1866 synonym of Monopsis sinica Walker, 1851
Tylana indecora Stål, 1866 synonym of Tylana indecora Stål, 1869
Ulubra Stål, 1866
Ulubra Stål, 1866 synonym of Enhydria Walker, 1858
Uysanus impurus (Stål, 1866)
Xosias faecaria (Stål, 1866) synonym of Xosias globularis (Walker, 1858)
Adana Stål, 1856 synonym of Bothriocera Burmeister, 1835
Bidis Walker, 1857 synonym of Ugyops Guérin-Méneville, 1834
Brixia mauritii Stål, 1859 synonym of Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854)
Cystingocephala Stål, 1853 synonym of Lophops Spinola, 1839
Cystingocephala marginelineata Stål, 1855 synonym of Lophops servillei Spinola, 1839
Euria Walker, 1857 synonym of Tropiduchus Stål, 1854
Flata bigutta (Walker, 1851) synonym of Flata unipunctata (Olivier, 1791)
Flatoides bifascia (Walker, 1851) synonym of Mulvia albizona (Spinola, 1839)
Flatoides guerinii Fairmaire & Signoret, 1858 synonym of Tropiduchus sobrinus Stål, 1854
Holotus Guérin-Méneville, 1856 synonym of Copicerus Swartz, 1802
Hypselometopum sumtuosum Stål, 1855 synonym of Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851)
Pochazia fasciata (Spinola, 1839) synonym of Ricania sinuata (Stål, 1865)
Pseudophana cereris Stål, 1855 synonym of Pseudophanella casta (Stål, 1855)
Simotettix Stål, 1853 synonym of Raphiophora Schaum, 1851
Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Aphaena morosa Walker, 1851
Liburnia centralis (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Cixius centralis Signoret, 1860
Oliarus natalensis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Cixius natalensis Stål, 1855
Cladodiptera Spinola, 1839 transferred from  to Fulgorida
Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854) new combination of Delphax bohemani Stål, 1854
Leptodelphax maculigera (Stål, 1859) new combination of Delphax maculigera Stål, 1859
Liburnia vitticollis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Delphax vitticollis Stål, 1855
Thracia lania (Stål, 1855) new combination of Derbe lania Stål, 1855
Derbida Spinola, 1839 new combination of Derboides Spinola, 1839
Phenice signoreti (Coquerel, 1859) new combination of Deribia signoreti Coquerel, 1859
Sevia intermaculata (Stål, 1862) new combination of Diacira intermaculata Stål, 1862
Dichoptera Spinola, 1839 transferred from Fulgorites to Fulgorida
Numicia taenia (Walker, 1851) new combination of Dictyophara taenia Walker, 1851
Eurybrachydida Stål, 1862 new combination of Eurybrachydidum Stål, 1862
Atracis pyralis (Guérin-Méneville, 1831) new combination of Flata pyralis Guérin-Méneville, 1831
Phromnia rubra Signoret, 1860 new combination of Flata rubra Signoret, 1860
Aluntia schimperii (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) new combination of Fulgora schimperii Guérin-Méneville, 1849
Lyncides coquerelii (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Hiracia coquerelii Signoret, 1860
Issus Brullé, 1832 transferred from Issites to Fulgorida
Issus analis Brullé, 1833 transferred from Issites to Fulgorida
Gamergus compressus (Stål, 1855) new combination of Issus compressus Stål, 1855
Latois antica (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Nephesa antica Signoret, 1860
Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Omalocephala morosa Westwood, 1851
Ricania ocellata Signoret, 1860 new combination of Pocharica ocellata Signoret, 1860
Ricania quinquecostata (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Pochazia quinquecostatus Signoret, 1860
Ricania sinuata (Stål, 1865) new combination of Pochazia sinuata Stål, 1865
Ricania tibialis (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Pochazia tibialis Signoret, 1860
Flata unipunctata (Olivier, 1791) new combination of Poeciloptera unipunctata (Olivier, 1791)
Ricaniida Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 new combination of Ricaniides Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Ricania cinctipennis (Stål, 1862) new combination of Tarundia cinctipennis Stål, 1862
Tettigometra Latreille, 1804 transferred from  to Fulgorida
Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854) new combination of Tettigometra funesta Stål, 1854
Isthmia patruelis (Stål, 1855) new combination of Tettigometra patruelis Stål, 1855
Brixia fasciata (Signoret, 1860) new combination of Triopsis fasciata Signoret, 1860
Diacira Stål, 1862 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Sevia Stål, 1866
Geographical distribution
Achaemenes costalis Stål, 1866
Achaemenes notatinervis Stål, 1866
Achaemenes resurgens (Walker, 1858)
Acrometopum costatipenne Stål, 1855
Afronersia (Afronersia) serena (Stål, 1866)
Aluntia schimperii (Guérin-Méneville, 1849)
Amblycotis Stål, 1853
Amblycotis laticeps Stål, 1855
Anigrus bergrothi (Muir, 1927)
Anigrus sordidus Stål, 1866
Atracis mira (Stål, 1855)
Belbina nympha (Stål, 1866)
Belbina servillei (Spinola, 1839)
Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854)
Brixia fasciata (Signoret, 1860)
Brixia lunulata (Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843)
Brixia natalicola (Stål, 1855)
Caesonia bellula (Stål, 1855)
Calauria sulciceps Stål, 1866
Calmar punctata (Signoret, 1850)
Capena fuscinervis Stål, 1866
Chaetormenis madagascariensis (Signoret, 1860)
Cixius setinervis Stål, 1855
Clardea notatula Stål, 1866
Clardea unicolor Signoret, 1862
Cnidus variegatus (Stål, 1855)
Colmadona fenestrata (Thunberg, 1822)
Conchyoptera unicolor Signoret, 1860
Dalapax postica (Spinola, 1839)
Deraulax versicolor Signoret, 1860
Diostrombus lanius (Stål, 1855)
Distantinus vitticollis (Stål, 1855)
Druentia variegata (Spinola, 1839)
Duilius tenuis Stål, 1858
Durium caffrum Stål, 1866
Durium punctipes (Signoret, 1860)
Eddara euchroma var. bella (Stål, 1959)
Elasmoscelis cimicoides Spinola, 1839
Elasmoscelis trimaculata Walker, 1851
Eumecurus hottentottus (Stål, 1855)
Exphora guerinii Signoret, 1860
Fescennia bivittata (Coquerel, 1859)
Flachaemus diluta (Stål, 1866)
Flatida pallida (Olivier, 1791)
Flatida rosea (Melichar, 1901)
Flatoidessa hyalinipennis (Signoret, 1860)
Flatopsis nivea (Signoret, 1860)
Flatopsis nivea nigropunctata (Stål, 1866)
Gamergus hottentottus Stål, 1859
Gamergus stali Metcalf, 1958
Gyaria walkeri (Stål, 1855)
Hapalomelus flavipes Stål, 1855
Helcita wahlbergi (Stål, 1855)
Helenolius dividens (Walker, 1858)
Hypselometopum morosa (Westwood, 1851)
Ilva nigrosignata Stål, 1866
Latois antica (Signoret, 1860)
Lawana adscendens (Fabricius, 1803)
Leptodelphax maculigera (Stål, 1859)
Liburnia lautipes (Stål, 1858)
Liburnia monoceros (Stål, 1855)
Lophops angustipennis Stål, 1866
Lophops servillei Spinola, 1839
Lyncides coquerelii (Signoret, 1860)
Metaphenice stellulata (Boheman, 1838)
Mithymna pergamena (Stål, 1861)
Mulvia albizona (Spinola, 1839)
Mulvia lugens (Stål, 1855)
Mulvia zonata (Stål, 1855)
Norialsus caffer (Stål, 1855)
Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854)
Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) patruelis (Stål, 1855)
Numicia herbida Stål, 1866
Numicia taenia (Walker, 1851)
Oliarus fasciolata Stål, 1855
Oliarus fuscipennis (Stål, 1855)
Omalocephala cincta (Fabricius, 1803)
Paraflata seminigra (Stål, 1866)
Paranagnia afra (Stål, 1866)
Pentastiridius moestus (Stål, 1855)
Phaenodictyon ellipticum (Walker, 1851)
Phenice fasciolata (Boheman, 1838)
Philotheria apicemaculata (Stål, 1855)
Philotheria natalensis (Stål, 1855)
Philotheria rochetii (Guérin-Méneville, 1849)
Philotheria validirostris (Stål, 1866)
Philotheria vinula (Stål, 1855)
Phlebopterum solitum (Walker, 1851)
Phypia albipennis (Stål, 1855)
Pocharica flavescens (Signoret, 1860)
Pocharica ocellata Signoret, 1860
Pocharica oculata (Signoret, 1860)
Pocharica venusta (Stål, 1866)
Pochazia biperforata Signoret, 1860
Pochazia fasciata (Spinola, 1839)
Pochazia sinuata Stål, 1865
Pochazoides maculata Signoret, 1860
Pochazoides tibialis (Signoret, 1860)
Privesa dubia (Walker, 1851)
Privesa laevifrons (Stål, 1861)
Privesa planipennis (Spinola, 1839)
Privesa punctifrons (Signoret, 1860)
Privesa quinquecostata (Signoret, 1860)
Proutista fritillaris (Boheman, 1838)
Pseudophanella casta (Stål, 1855)
Raivuna unicolor (Signoret, 1860)
Raizoda signoreti (Coquerel, 1859)
Raphiophora vitrea (Schaum, 1850)
Rhinotettix fuscipennis Stål, 1855
Ricania quinquefasciata Stål, 1866
Risius spurcus Stål, 1859
Scarpanta mortuifolia (Stål, 1861)
Strongylodemas circulare Stål, 1855
Tarundia cinctipennis Stål, 1862
Tarundia servillei (Spinola, 1839)
Trienopa flavida Signoret, 1860
Trienopa longifrons (Walker, 1858)
Tropidocephala brunnipennis Signoret, 1860
Tropidocephala flaviceps Stål, 1855
Tropiduchus sobrinus Stål, 1854
Tylana carinata (Fabricius, 1803)
Tylana cristata (Fabricius, 1803)
Uysanus faecaria (Stål, 1866)
Uysanus impurus (Stål, 1866)
Xosias globularis (Walker, 1858)
Zanna punctata (Olivier, 1791)
Zanna tenebrosa (Fabricius, 1775)
Zanna tenebrosa f. madagascariensis Signoret, 1960
Zoraida (Zoraida) bohemani (Westwood, 1841)
Zoraida (Zoraida) sinuosa (Boheman, 1838)
Wrong spelling
Liburnia pallentis Stål, 1866 wrong spelling of Delphacodes pallens (Stål, 1854)
Liburnia smaragdulae Stål, 1866 wrong spelling of Chloriona smaragdula (Stål, 1853)
Phenicae Westwood, 1840 wrong spelling of Phenice Westwood, 1840
Ricancia Signoret, 1860 wrong spelling of Riancia Signoret, 1860
Ricancia longirostrum Signoret, 1860 wrong spelling of Riancia longirostrum Signoret, 1860
Acanoniida Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 new combination of Acanonides Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843
Dictyopharida Spinola, 1839 new combination of Dyctiophoroides Spinola, 1839
Flatida Spinola, 1839 new combination of Flatoides Spinola, 1839
Fulgorida Latreille, 1807 new combination of Fulgoroides Latreille, 1807
Issida Spinola, 1839 new combination of Issoides Spinola, 1839
Fulgorida Latreille, 1807 new combination of Subtericornes Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843