Metcalf Z. P., 1922
Metcalf Z. P., 1926
Acanalonia fasciata Metcalf, 1923 |
Alphina glauca (Metcalf, 1923) |
Aphelonema rosa Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Aphelonema simplex Uhler, 1876 |
Bothriocera drakei Metcalf, 1923 |
Bruchomorpha decorata Metcalf, 1923 |
Bruchomorpha minima Metcalf, 1923 |
Bruchomorpha rugosa Metcalf, 1923 |
Catonia antillicola Wolcott, 1936 |
Catonia carolina Metcalf, 1923 |
Catonia luella Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Opsiplanon luellus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Catonia lunata Metcalf, 1923 |
Catonia pini Metcalf, 1923 |
Cedusa australis (Metcalf, 1923) |
Cedusa incisa (Metcalf, 1923) |
Ciocixius Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Pintalia Stål, 1862 |
Cixidia (Epiptera) brittoni (Metcalf, 1923) |
Cixius apicalis Metcalf, 1923 |
Crepusia glauca Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Alphina glauca (Metcalf, 1923) |
Criomorphus conspicuus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Criomorphus inconspicuus (Uhler, 1877) |
Cyarda walkeri Metcalf, 1923 |
Delphacodes alexanderi (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Syndelphax alexanderi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Delphacodes fulvidorsum (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Syndelphax fulvidorsum (Metcalf, 1923) |
Delphacodes shermani (Metcalf, 1923) |
Delphacodes staminata (Metcalf, 1923) |
Delphacodes unda (Metcalf, 1923) |
Delphacodes waldeni (Metcalf, 1923) |
Dictyophara recurva Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Rhynchomitra recurva (Metcalf, 1923) |
Epiptera brittoni Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Cixidia (Epiptera) brittoni (Metcalf, 1923) |
Euidella gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Euides gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Euidella triloba (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Euides triloba (Metcalf, 1923) |
Euides gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Nilaparvata gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Euides triloba (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Pareuidella triloba (Metcalf, 1923) |
Euklastus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Sikaiana Distant, 1907 |
Euklastus harti Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Sikaiana harti (Metcalf, 1923) |
Flatoides concisus (Metcalf, 1923) synonym of Flatoidinus punctatus (Walker, 1851) |
Flatoides maculosus Metcalf, 1923 previous rank of Flatoidinus acutus maculosus Metcalf, 1923 |
Haplaxius truncatus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Haplaxius truncatus (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Myndus truncatus Metcalf, 1923 |
Herpis australis Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Cedusa australis (Metcalf, 1923) |
Herpis incisa Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Cedusa incisa (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia alexanderi Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Delphacodes alexanderi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia constricta (Crawford, 1914) previous combination of Prokelisia constricta (Crawford, 1914) |
Liburnia fulvidorsum Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Delphacodes fulvidorsum (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia gerhardi Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Euidella gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia shermani Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Delphacodes shermani (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia staminata Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Delphacodes staminata (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia triloba Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Euidella triloba (Metcalf, 1923) |
Liburnia waldeni Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Delphacodes waldeni (Metcalf, 1923) |
Megamelanus dorsalis Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Neomegamelanus dorsalis (Metcalf, 1923) |
Megamelanus lautus Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Neomegamelanus lautus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Megamelanus terminalis Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Tumidagena terminalis (Metcalf, 1923) |
Megamelus aestus Metcalf, 1923 |
Megamelus anticostus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Megamelus flavus Crawford, 1914 |
Megamelus distinctus Metcalf, 1923 |
Megamelus inflatus Metcalf, 1923 |
Megamelus uncus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Megamelus flavus Crawford, 1914 |
Melanoliarus montanus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Melanoliarus texanus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Microledrida flava Metcalf, 1923 |
Myndus truncatus Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Haplaxius truncatus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Neocenchrea Metcalf, 1923 |
Neomegamelanus dorsalis (Metcalf, 1923) synonym of Neomegamelanus spartini (Osborn, 1905) |
Neomegamelanus lautus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Nilaparvata gerhardi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Oecleus productus Metcalf, 1923 |
Oliarus montanus Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Melanoliarus montanus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Oliarus texana Metcalf, 1923 |
Oliarus texanus (Metcalf, 1923) previous combination of Melanoliarus texanus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Oliarus vitreus Metcalf, 1923 homonym of Oliarus vitreus Melichar, 1905 |
Oliarus vitreus Metcalf, 1923 nomen praeoccupatum of Oliarus lucidus Metcalf, 1936 |
Oliarus vittata Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Oliarus difficilis Van Duzee, 1912 |
Opsiplanon luellus (Metcalf, 1923) |
Pareuidella triloba (Metcalf, 1923) |
Pissonotus crawfordi Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Pissonotus (Phyllodictus) basalis (Van Duzee, 1897) |
Pissonotus fulvus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Pissonotus (Pissonotus) piceus (Van Duzee, 1894) |
Pissonotus nigridorsum Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Delphacodes nitens Muir & Giffard, 1924 |
Pissonotus speciosus Metcalf, 1923 |
Rhynchomitra recurva (Metcalf, 1923) |
Scolops parvulus Metcalf, 1923 synonym of Scolops pungens (Germar, 1830) |
Sikaiana harti (Metcalf, 1923) |
Stenocranus arundineus Metcalf, 1923 |
Syndelphax alexanderi (Metcalf, 1923) |
Syndelphax fulvidorsum (Metcalf, 1923) |
Thionia quinquata Metcalf, 1923 |
Traxus Metcalf, 1923 |
Traxus Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Traxus Metcalf, 1923 |
Traxus Metcalf, 1923 previous combination of Traxus Metcalf, 1923 |
Traxus fulvus Metcalf, 1923 |
Tumidagena terminalis (Metcalf, 1923) |