Fulgora basinigra Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Laternaria basinigra (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora basinigra Schmidt, 1905 synonym of Fulgora sultana Adams & White, 1847 |
Fulgora bicolor Schmidt, 1905 synonym of Saiva cultellata (Walker, 1857) |
Fulgora dohrni Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Pyrops dohrni (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora dohrni Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Laternaria dohrni (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora erecta Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Pyrops erectus (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora erecta Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Pyrops erecta (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora heringi Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Pyrops heringi (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora heringi Schmidt, 1905 previous combination of Laternaria heringi (Schmidt, 1905) |
Fulgora pythica Schmidt, 1905 nomen praeoccupatum of Pyrops incerta Schmidt, 1923 |
Laternaria dohrni (Schmidt, 1905) previous combination of Fulgora dohrni Schmidt, 1905 |
Laternaria erecta (Schmidt, 1905) previous combination of Fulgora erecta Schmidt, 1905 |
Pyrops dohrni (Schmidt, 1905) |
Pyrops erecta (Schmidt, 1905) previous combination of Laternaria erecta (Schmidt, 1905) |
Pyrops erectus (Schmidt, 1905) |
Pyrops heringi (Schmidt, 1905) |